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Offers a "Two" tiered Final Expense Product


Tier 1


 Standard Whole Life Level Death Benefit

No - Height or Weight Question.


Tier 2


​  Guaranteed Issue Whole Life

Issue Ages from 0 to 85


To view more details Simply click on the document image's to open the file.


If you would like to be contracted with CICA simply Click on the link​​​

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Simplified Issue Whole / Guaranteed Issue Whole Life
Issue Ages from 0 up to 85 / No Height or Weight Questions

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Click On the Document image to Open & View the File

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Guaranteed Issue Whole Life
 Issue Ages  
0 to 85

Face Amounts from $1,000 to $30,000 for ages o to 70
Ages 71 to 85
Maximum Death Benefit is $20,000

Two Year
Return of Premium Plus 10% Interest

Guaranteed Issue Whole Life
Issue Ages from 0 up to 85 / No Health Questions

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